Saturday, February 7, 2015

Church as Missional Community

What is Missional Community?

For those who are tired of asking "What about Bob?" (which is also the name of a cinematic masterpiece), here is a new question: What in the world is Bob trying to do?

After spending 40 years working for Church Institutions, housed in Church Buildings, where Church Programs were designed, developed and deployed, I'm trying to gather with people who want to Be the Church.

A growing number of people around the world have become disenchanted with the institutional Church, but long to be part of the Jesus Movement. "Missional Community" is one of the terms that has been coined to describe the Jesus Movement as it breaks out all around the world.

Ken Willems, founding pastor of Pangea Communities,  a network of Missional Communities in partnership with the Brethren in Christ in Seattle, Washington, offers these helpful insights:
The following outline describes what a “Missional Community” is and what it isn’t. Now, I’m using this language for our context, so I’m not claiming to have the corner on the MC market (so to speak). Also, I should say that although this outline is adapted for our context at Pangea Communities in Seattle, it is thoroughly stolen from Mike Breen and 3DM.
What Missional Community IS NOT:

  • Not a Small Group - because small groups too easily become exclusive rather than inclusive.
  • Not a Bible Study - because Bible studies typically aim at filling our heads with information about the Bible rather than having our lives transformed by the truths of the Bible.
  • Not a Program or Event - because church programs and events often provide Christian entertainment rather than building Christian community.
 What Missional Community IS:

  • Family -  an extended family on a common mission where everyone contributes and everyone is supported
  • Gatherings - where people are given space to grow as followers of Jesus, where followers become faithful disciples, and where disciples are developed into leaders.
  • Community - where the gathered are sent out to reach a particular neighborhood and/or network of relationships with the good news of the Kingdom of God.
Here are a couple of other insights to consider:
“The twentieth century saw the emergence of a Churchless Mission and a Missionless Church.” -- Eddie Gibbs
Without vision, the community will become a social group. “Vision is the magnet that draws people to the community and the engine that keeps the community moving.” -- Mike Breen

Pangea Communities Core Values

Peace – We choose to love our enemies. Justice – We choose to right wrongs with those at the margins. Hope – We choose to imagine the world as it ought to be. Community – We choose counter-cultural relationships guided by love. Inclusive – We choose to invite everyone to the party. Story – We choose to live into the narrative of God. Transformation – We choose the subversive path of knowing and following the crucified Christ. Context – We choose to ask rooted questions to unleash creativity.

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