Thursday, January 29, 2015

Pray for PEACE in Nigeria

Please pray:

• For an end to Boko Haram’s campaign of terror in Nigeria and that the organisation would be cut off at the root; 
• Ask God to comfort and strengthen the survivors in Chibok, Gwoza, Baga and many other villages where people have lost everything and are hiding in fear of their lives; 
• Pray also for swift deliverance for communities recently seized by Boko Haram, 
• Pray for freedom and healing for the many women and girls who have been subjected to sexual violence and enslavement by Boko Haram; 
• Pray and ask for God’s mercy upon Nigeria, its leaders and people. Pray also that the Church would be persistent in prayer and that God would arise and defend the nation; 
• Ask God to strengthen and encourage the military, which is struggling to protect civilians from this insurgency;  
• Ask God to give the government compassion to deal with the victims of violence, and the wisdom to deal with those who promote violence; 
• Ask God to protect the communities all along and across Nigeria's borders  
• Pray for peace, healing and provision for those displaced internally or externally by violence;  
• Pray for a change of heart for Boko Haram members, their sponsors and supporters; 
• Pray that the situation in Nigeria would receive international attention so that Christians around the world would respond to the needs in Nigeria prayerfully and generously.

O God, we cry out to you in the name of Jesus, who is the Prince of Peace!  Amen 

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