Monday, March 16, 2015

What Do You KNOW About Jesus

What do you think about Jesus?  If you do a Google search, you'll find dozens of video interviews where the voice behind the camcorder asks people in the marketplace  "What do you think about Jesus?"  I've looked at a number of these interviews and have included one as an example.

Hearing what people think about Jesus can be pretty interesting and sometimes downright entertaining.  Jesus himself asked his disciples a similar question. Yet, while it may be interesting to hear what people think about Jesus, I think it is much more important to ask, "What does Jesus think about me?"    

That's the kind of question Carl Barth would have asked.  Barth was perhaps the greatest theologian of the the Twentieth Century.  He was a leader in the Confessing Church movement that opposed Adolph Hitler and the Nazi regime.  His Barmen Declaration was a powerful indictment against those Christians who supported Hiltler in his attempt to align church doctrines with Nazi dogma.

Barth, a prolific writer, is best know forn his massive thirteen-volume Church Dogmatics which is over six million words and 9000 pages.  During a lecture in Chicago in 1962 a theology student asked Dr Barth if he could summarize the main points of Church Dogmatics.  After giving the question some thought, Barth replied, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so."

Beyond everything we may know about Jesus, we will live our lives with confidence and conviction if we are can say: "Jesus loves me this I know; for the Bible tells me so!" When we know this, we will know the truth that will set us free.

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